Human Resources – Recruitment Module

With the Human Resources – Recruitment Module, you can create a job candidate request that meets the criteria you set, and manage your candidate search, evaluation, interview, proposal and contract processes in detail.

Manage recruiting processes end-to-end

  • You can determine the candidate criteria you prefer and create a new recruitment request.
  • You can initiate an evaluation process for eligible candidates and send them an interview invitation.
  • You can run the current status of the candidate whose interview process is completed, positively or negatively, on the flow and initiate the candidate information process.
  • You can initiate the proposal process for candidates whose interviews have been successful and manage the proposal steps through the flow.
  • You can initiate the contract process for candidates whose offer process continues positively and you can manage all contract details through the flow.


Flexible pricing policy

Get a personalized offer based on the number of employees you have and the modules you desire to use. To get detailed information about our pricing policy, please fill out the form below and we will contact you.

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